Communication and Presentation Skills in the Professional Environment

Communication and Presentation Skills in the Professional Environment
Communication and Presentation Skills in the Professional Environment
Reference Code EUG2_T2_1_0017
Host Institution UNS - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu

The course Communication and Presentation Skills in Professional Environment is created to develop the today’s extremely important soft skills that are used not just in professional environment, but also in everyday life. The lectures will demonstrate the latest scientific results connected with the phenomena of communication and presentation (performance) in the interdisciplinary frame where the aspects of philosophy, sociology and psychology will meet the innovative approaches to the subject from the field of art. In order to train the participants, the activities are divided into three categories:

  1. lectures
  2. interactive discussion with participants
  3. practical exercises in the application of previously presented skills
Period 5 Oct 2024 10:00:00 — 20 Oct 2024 14:15:00
Mode Blended
Type of activity Course
Target groups Undergraduate students, Master students, PhD students
Location Online & University of Novi Sad
ISCED Fields of Study
Contact Person Nataša Hrabovski
Content and Methodology

The participants will learn and practice successful  ommunication and presentation through various interactive concepts. Understanding communication skills through verbal and visual content, will facilitate the mastery of the participants in creating suitable presentation (Ppt or Prezi).

Upon completion of the course, participants should have enhanced their personal ability to communicate and present with professional rhetoric and have a working knowledge of their individual communication preferences and styles. An additional focus of the training is to familiarize participants with the knowledge of nonverbal communication that humans use in everyday life. The consciousness of how our body works while we are communicating (the theory of gestures) helps to understand others and helps to create clear ideas to our audiences. This is especially important since we are presenting our messages in more and more culturally diverse and complex environment. A special lecture will be devoted to the so-called “accessible communications” that include knowledge about the importance of creating the “communicational environment” suitable for persons with special needs, too.

Recognition Transcript of records - ECTS
Language English
Funding by EUGLOH budget Funded in full
Recruitment of Participants Qualitative Assessment
Number of open spots 20
Call for Applications
Current call
19 Jun 2024 — 27 Jul 2024 Apply now