This is a series of lectures presented by invited speakers. Talks are normally 45 minutes long, with 15 minutes Q and A at the end, and are streamed through a closed channel on YouTube.
Confirmed speakers so far are the following:
Lilla Kopár, Catholic University of America: Sensing the Bewcastle Cross: multisensory perception of early medieval stone sculpture
Izabella Füzi, Universtiy of Szeged: The Economy of Looking
Oguz Kelemen, University of Szeged: Attention in Psychology / Neuroscience
Rachel Irwin, Lund University: Paying attention to and in the body: self-tracking and self-monitoring devices
Mária Bakti, University of Szeged: Speech disfluencies – what do they reveal about attention and cognitive load?
György Fogarasi, University of Szeged: The Attention of the People: Mein Kampf and Thurber's Owl
Anita Kéri, University of Szeged: Do you only look but not see? Where is your attention really? Eye tracking experiments debunked
Number of ECTS: 3 |