Multidisciplinary and International Workshop on "Water, Environment and Global Health"

Multidisciplinary and International Workshop on \

Host Institution Université Paris-Saclay
Start 2024-11-21 09:00:00
End 2024-11-22 13:00:00
Duration 2 days
Mode Blended
Location Paris, France
Target Groups Academic Staff; Administrative Staff; Master students; PhD students; Post-docs; Researchers; Undergraduate students
Contact Person Pr. Abdelghani SGHIR,

The Third Edition of the International Multidisciplinary Workshop on Water, Environment, and Global Health builds on the success of the first two editions, which attracted around one hundred participants focused on the interconnections between water, health, and the environment.

This multidisciplinary event brings together national and international scientists, the general public, and local authorities to tackle the pressing issues of pollution and the health risks associated with various types of contamination, particularly wastewater, plastic pollution, and global warming, and their effects on global health.

In addition to scientific presentations, the workshop will feature sessions for associations and collectives to conduct workshops, present posters, and engage in discussions with participants.

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Thursday morning

9h: 00 - 9h30. Prof. Abdelghani SGHIR: Microbial ecology of the urban wastewater: A complex and enduring challenge to address.

9h: 40 - 10h-10. Dr. Angélique Goffin. UPEC - IUT Sénart-Fontainebleau. Applications of in-situ and high frequency fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor water quality: from the treatment plant to the receiving environment.

10h: 10 - 10h40. Dr. Armelle HEBERT. Institut des Hautes Etudes One Health – IHEOH. The water cycle reviewed in the light of one health concept.

Coffe Break

10h: 40 - 11h10. Dr. Mohamed BOUROUACHE. L’Institut Supérieur des professions Infirmières ET Techniques de Santé de Guelmim, Maroc. Environmental and health risks associated with reuse of wastewater for irrigation of green spaces: case of the city of Agadir, Morocco.

11h: 10 - 11h40. Prof. Sami Sayadi, Qatar University, Qatar. Microalgae assisted remediation of domestic and industrial wastewaters pollutants in the Water–Energy Nexus 

11h.40-12h10. Fasil Ejigu Eregno. Associate Professor in Water and Environmental Engineering. Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology. The Arctic University of Norway. Health Risk Assessment and Management Framework for Different Water Systems.



Thursday afternoon

14h: 00 - 14h30. Prof. Linda Amaral-Zettler.  Microplastic pollution. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. Plastisphere and Biodegradation in Coastal Marine Environments.

 14:30 - 15h00 Dr. Lauriane Ledieu. Université Gustave Eiffel. Laboratoire Eau ET Environnement. Bouguenais. Plastic pollution from land to sea. To be confirmed.

 Coffee Break

 15: 00 - 15h30. Ali El Haidar, Président honoraire de l'Océanium, ancien ministre de l'écologie du Sénégal. Educating communities to sustainable managing natural resources.

 15h: 30 – 16h00. Short oral communications and Posters presentations



 Vision for the future of wastewater treatment and global health

 17h00-19h. La Parole aux Associations, Stands, Posters 



Friday morning

9h: 00 - 9h: 30. Prof. Cristina Calheiros. University of Porto, Portugal. Nature based solutions for water management. 

9h: 30 - 10h: 00 Prof. Dr. Heribert Hirt, KAUST, Saudi Aabia. Enabling sustainable ecosystem restoration by understanding soil microbiome functioning

10h: 00 – 10h: 30. Prof. Aissam EL FINTI, Université d'Agadir, Morocco. Handy tools for sustainable irrigation management in Mediterranean crops.

Coffee Break

 10h: 30 – 11h00.Dr. Pascal MAUGIS. Global Food Potential in the Face of Climate Change and Water Stress

 11: 00 - 11h - 30. Pollution COST.  To be confirmed

 Concluding remarks.

13h00. Lunch


With the generous contribution and sponsoring of

Evry Senart- Sciences et Innovation, UPSaclay Graduate School Life Sciences and Health, EUGLOH, GENOPOLE, UPSaclay Graduate School Biosphera                       



  * Please be advised that this activity does not include funding for mobility.

Participants from the University of Paris-Saclay will have the opportunity to attend the conference in person, while participants from the other eight universities within the Alliance will be able to join virtually.

Fields with * are required.

Only applicable for students.